Team Falcons player Jingjun "Sneyking" Wu has expressed his views on The International Dota 2 tournament series. He believes that the prestige and interest in these championships are rapidly declining.
Sneyking shared his perspective with the Dota2.ru website:
Jingjun "Sneyking" Wu
[Question: "Statistics show that The International's popularity is declining, leading to the belief in the community that TI may soon lose its status as the main esports event of the year. Do you agree with this, and does Valve need to change their approach to developing the tournament?"] There is a feeling, for sure. I personally feel the prestige and interest from fans in the tournament is waning.
The Team Falcons player believes that Valve is not planning to make any changes to The International series:
Jingjun "Sneyking" Wu
I don’t think Valve will change anything. They don’t want to increase the prize pool, and a few million dollars create less hype since the tournament is starting to look like other events. Everyone remembers The International 2021 with a $40 million prize pool: how Team Spirit lifted the Aegis, how the True Sight movie aired. Right now, fans and players have few reasons to view TI as a prestigious tournament.