Captain of FaZe Clan team Finn “karrigan“ Andersen turned out to be the player with the highest number of played maps at LAN-tournaments in the history of CS:GO competitive scene. The statistics were shared by HLTV website.
Karrigan has 1,196 maps played. Andreas “Xyp9x” Højsleth took second place - he has played 1,112 maps at LAN-tournaments on CS:GO.
Peter “dupreeh“ Rasmussen (1,099 maps), Dan "apEX" Madesclaire (1,082 maps) and Håvard “rain“ Nygaard (983 maps) are in the top 5 by the same indicator.

The first major LAN-tournament in CS2 will be IEM Sydney 2023. The competition will be held from October 16 to 22. 16 teams will fight for $250,000 in prize money.
Earlier, Natus Vincere sniper Oleksandr “s1mple“ Kostyliev became the best player of CS:GO events according to HLTV.