Olympic champion and Russian figure skater Roman Kostomarov suffered hemorrhage and has a hematoma in the frontal lobe, reports Telegram channel SHOT.
According to the source, the doctors believe that an otitis infection could have transferred from the ears to his brain and caused complications. It is also reported that the lung lesion is not currently Kostomarov's main problem.
Earlier Telegram channel 112 reported that Kostomarov was put on a drainage to remove fluid from his left lung. The chief doctor of the Kommunarka clinic, Denis Protsenko, previously told AIF edition that the figure skater has been breathing on his own for several days.
The athlete was hospitalized on January 10 with a severe form of pneumonia. Kostomarov was later put on a ventilator and ECMO. Later, the media reported that the doctors decided to amputate the athlete's both feet, and later his hands due to necrosis.
Figure skating champion Kostomarov suffers frontal lobe hemorrhage, quarter of his brain affected
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