(Associated Press via NewsEdge) Yahoo will pay $60 million to acquire an approximately 10% stake in South Korean e-commerce provider GMarket, a Yahoo spokeswoman said.
Yahoo said in a press release that it will purchase the stake from venture capital firm Oak Investment Partners, which it said is the only significant outside institutional investor in Gmarket.
'What we don't have in Korea is a leadership position in e-commerce auctions,' Yahoo's Helena Maus, based at the company's headquarters in Sunnyvale, California said in a telephone interview. 'GMarket's leadership position in Korea would be valuable to us.'
Foreign Internet companies such as Google and Yahoo are trying to raise their profiles in South Korea, one of the world's most wired nations, where domestic companies including NHN's Naver Web site dominate the search-engine field.
c 2006 The Associated Press
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