Singapore's communications ministry has revealed plans to restructure the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA).
The two agencies will be restructured into the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) and the Government Technology Organization (GTO).
The move follows the launch of the Infocomm Media 2025 plan in August, the first integrated industry development plan for the info-communications and media sectors.
In a statement released to the media, MCI said the new IMDA will develop and regulate the converging Infocomm and media sectors and implement the Infocomm Media 2025 plan. It will also deepen regulatory capabilities for a converged Infocomm media sector, safeguarding the interests of consumers and fostering pro-enterprise regulations.
MCI noted that with a more pervasive use of data, the government will continue to promote and regulate data protection in Singapore through the Personal Data Protection Commission, which will be part of the new IMDA. This will ensure that public confidence in the private sector’s use of personal data is safeguarded, even as companies increasingly leverage the data they collect as a source of competitive advantage.
The new GTO, on the other hand, will lead digital transformation efforts in the public sector. It will focus on providing a citizen-centric user experience and encourage the participation of citizens in the co-creation of public digital services.
It will be well-placed to help government agencies capitalize on the speed of innovation and new technology trends such as robotics, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and Big Data.
The new organization will likewise play a vital role in supporting Singapore’s Smart Nation vision, especially in delivering the Smart Nation Platform and Smart Nation applications.
“Advances in technology have blurred the distinction between broadcasting and telecommunications. The reorganization of IDA and MDA is, therefore, not only timely but a positive development,” said Koh Boon Hwee, chairman of the Infocomm Media Masterplan Steering Committee.
“It will bring Singapore closer towards our goal of establishing a value-creating economy.”