PTC’s annual conference is the Pacific Rim’s premier telecommunications event. PTC’18: Connecting Worlds will be the 40th Anniversary celebration for PTC’s annual conference, opening a new decade of connections.
Diverse conference attendees and speakers representing a variety of disciplines and specialties will connect the worlds of technology, business, and regulatory policy – and the network-centric enablers with emerging business models, ecosystems and competitive strategies. Attending PTC’18, attendees will make a world of new connections around the Pacific Rim and beyond, bridging countries with developed network infrastructures, services and apps with the developing world and its unique societal complexities.
PTC’18 will afford participants – speakers and audiences – to explore the critical transformational shifts of the next four years, and the next forty years.
Please join us in Honolulu, Hawaii this coming 21–24 January 2018 and navigate in a faster future of global disruption.
Telecom Asia is the "Media Partner" of this event
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