NTT Com has established the basic operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) function, a key technology for software-defined networking on multiple wide area networks.
The new SDN OAM functions enable end-to-end network connection quality to be visualized on multiple WAN using link trace and loopback tests.
NTT Com said it expects its new technology to make SDN operation and maintenance on WAN more efficient. NTT Com is now working to commercialize the technology for various environments involving SDN, including big data processing, high-quality broadcasting networks, enterprise global intranets and more.
The new technology visualizes network topology by automatically collecting connection information on physical networks configuring SDN.
It enables SDN operation and maintenance personnel to remotely monitor circuits and isolate problems and test circuits more accurately by verifying network connection quality and normality of link trace in end-to-end areas, even in WAN.
A demonstration of various verification tests for network normality using NTT Com's SDN OAM function technology was conducted at Okinawa Open Days 2015 last December.
As the use of SND increases, OAM functions to verify end-to-end performance are essential for promoting SDN usage on WAN. Until now, establishing connections through the network equipment of different manufacturers has been difficult due to conventional SDN technologies.