Mobile Roaming Asia

30 Jun 2006
Description:Optimise your voice and data roaming strategies to increase traffic, stimulate usage and maximise revenues.

Benchmark your roaming strategy with over 20 Operator case studies:

- Asian Mobility Initiative
- Bridge Mobile Alliance
- Vodafone Group
- Airtel, India
- AWCC, Afghanistan
- Belgacom, Belgium
- BT International, UK
- Cable & Wireless, UK
- China Resources Peoples Telephone Co, Hong Kong
- Dialog Telecom, Sri Lanka
- Hong Kong CSL, Hong Kong
- Hutchison Essar Ltd, India
- IDEA Cellular, India
- Reliance Infocom, India
- StarHub, Singapore
- Taiwan Mobile, Taiwan
- Tata Teleservices, India
- Telefonica Group, Spain
- PT Telkomsel, Indonesia
- Telenor, Norway
- Mobilink, Pakistan
- Mobistar, Belgium
- Mobitel, Sri Lanka
- Warid Tel, Pakistan

Contact Info:Informa Telecoms & Media
Mortimer House , 37-41 Mortimer Street
London , W1T 3JH UK
Phone: +44 20 7017 4202
Fax: +44 20 7017 4783
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