Mobile Payments Asia

07 Sep 2006
Description:A Unique Forum To Assess Revenue Generating Opportunities Through Mobile Payments:

- Learn market trends and current outlook of the Asian mobile payment industry

- Examine business opportunities through innovative payment systems

- Determine security and standardization issues which will affect the emergence of mobile payment services

- Further understanding on regulatory issues specific to different parts of the region

- Assess the most innovative and evolutionary services Asian operators can look to deploy

- Identify technological developments and applications for the m-payment industry

- Gain first- hand experiences from leading players to evaluate your own course of action in the promising m-payments arena

Contact Info:Informa Telecoms & Media
No1. Grange Road , #08-02 Orchard Building
239693 Singapore
Phone: +65 6514 3180
Fax: +65 67335087
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