iPhone the most popular US phone: Neilsen

Robert Clark
28 Dec 2009

The iPhone is now the most popular phone in the US, while iPhone gamers look set to break new records this week, according to industry surveys.

The 3G iPhone accounts for 4.0% of all handsets in the market, followed by the BlackBerry 8300 series with 3.7% and the Razr V3 series on 2.3%, market research firm Nielsen said.

LG devices occupied four places in the top ten and BlackBerry devices three. No Nokia phone made the top ten of the Neilsen chart.

Meanwhile, the post-Christmas period is likely to be a record-breaker for iPhone games, iPhone games site PlayHaven and mobile ad exchange Mobclix predicted.

They predict that iPhone game usage in the week between Christmas and New Year's Day is likely to be as much as 28 times greater than the same period last year.

“The week between Christmas and New Years has become the great 'Game Rush' for iPhone games - essentially what Black Friday is brick and mortar retailers," said PlayHaven CEO Raymond Lau.

By comparison, holiday sales for console game titles were likely to be very slow, with sales down 12% in the first 11 months of the year, he noted.

Lau said 15,000 game titles were now available in the App Store, although he predicted that by the end of 2010, up to 25% of iPhone app purchases could take place outside iTunes or the App Store.

The forecast is based on analysis from the Mobclix exchange, using historical app download data and a projection based on the increased number of iPhones expected to be sold during the year.

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