About 90% of the sample has a personal account for at least one cloud storage service with DropBox accounting for 32% of the total sample. 72% of personal account holders have used their accounts for work purposes. 15% of this group admits to storing work passwords using these accounts, 19% financial information, 25% critical private documents like contracts/business plans, while more than a third (39%) store customer data.
Almost one third (32%) of the Asian cloud storage users sampled stated they fully trust the cloud for storing their personal data, with only 6% citing aversion through lack of trust.
When asked about devices ever being compromised and the resulting impact, over 56% of responses indicated an attack on personally owned PCs or laptops, with around half of these impacting on productivity and/or loss of personal and/or corporate data.
Attacks were far less frequent on smartphones (27%), despite the sample reporting a higher level of ownership of smartphones than for laptops and PCs. www.telecomasia.net/tag/smartphones.
The same percentage was observed for tablets (27%), which were less commonly owned than laptops and PCs.
Among one of the worrying findings of the research, 12% of respondents said they would not tell their employer if a personal device they used for work purposes became compromised.