Epsilon announced the launch of Epsilon Capacity Exchange (eCX), a new industry leading bandwidth trading platform.
Initially, the service will be available to more than 400 network operators worldwide who are currently pre-connected to the Epsilon Global Network Exchange.
eCX will establish a viable real-time market and trading mechanism, allowing capacity surpluses and shortages to be addressed, thereby successfully delivering fast and efficient asset monetization for network operators.
Acting as an independent capacity broker, Epsilon has created a market-making service that will enable network operators to effectively monetise slack or spare capacity; and service providers to buy flexibility for scaling, protecting, and even providing temporary services.
“Today’s telecoms services have to be both lean and agile. The customary methods of brokering deals can saddle operators with slack capacity while starving fast moving players hungry for extra bandwidth. A true trading system for buying and selling capacity will eliminate these inefficiencies, to everyone’s benefit,” Andreas Hipp, CEO at Epsilon, said.
Leaning on its carrier-neutral position and leveraging its Global Network Exchange, which connects over 350 wholesale customers and 50 suppliers at 60 points of presence around the world, Epsilon is uniquely positioned to offer a platform that will execute trades and deliver a bandwidth service almost instantly to benefit both buyers and sellers.