North America has proven to be a leader in the development and deployment of 4G technologies within the wirelessly connected world. As the industry naturally progresses towards the future that is “5G”, North America, and other parts of the world are vying to become leaders in the research and development of 5G standards, networks and products.
Both Europe and Asia have significantly funded and established research projects for the development and promotion of 5G networks, with a goal to influence and lead the definition of 5G technologies. The European Union has invested heavily in research activities with the aim to put Europe back in the leading role of the global mobile industry. In addition, China, Japan, and Korea have stated aspirations and embarked on developmental projects to also establish regional and/or national leadership positions in wireless research, development, and manufacturing.
This white paper, developed by 4G Americas member companies using publicly available information, is a one-time overview of global 5G initiatives as of the first quarter of 2014. No private or confidential information is included in this report. This white paper is only focused on the technology evolution of the wireless network.
This white paper originally published on 4G Americas website