On the night of August 30-31, Valve released new Treasures in Dota 2 - the Collector's Cache 2023. It has 16 hero sets. These sets were selected by voting among Dota 2 players directly in the game's client. The Collector's Cache treasure content isn’t created by Valve developers and designers, but by ordinary people who want to be a part of their favorite game. Every year they create cool skins that become very popular among players. This year, the community members have also come up with some great works. Telecomasia.net presents a review of Collector's Cache 2023.
Bet on Esports with 1xBetNew arsenal in Dota 2

The Dota 2 developers have dramatically changed the interface of the Dota 2 arsenal and made it more user-friendly. Now you can view and try on all the cosmetic items of the heroes in this section.
The new arsenal is divided into six tabs. The player can access both the items they have and the options from Dota 2 or Steam stores on the tabs. There is also a preview of sets and items available.
A new viewing feature has been added - now when you select an item for a hero, the other parts of their model are shaded so you can see the item better.
How to buy Collector's Cache 2023?
You can buy the Collector's Cache 2023 in the main menu of the game for $2.49. When you open the chest, you randomly receive one of the sixteen items. When you open the treasure chest again, you will receive other items.
Collector's Cache 2023 content

Collector's Cache 2023 has sets for 16 heroes: Primal Beast, Dawnbreaker, Abaddon, Alchemist, Spectre, Wraith King, Hoodwink, Death Prophet, Kunkka, Legion Commander, Storm Spirit, Jakiro, Dazzle, Marci, Snapfire, Anti-Mage. Each of them has Mythical rarity. Let's take a closer look at the contents of the new treasure chest.
Primeval Abomination (Primal Beast)

The set for Primal Beast from Collector's Cache 2023 looks very impressive. The hero, who is already enormous, becomes even bigger with it. Moreover, the updated character looks like a demon. His whole body is covered with strong armor, there are horns on his head, and his claws, eyes and mouth are glowing with infernal flame. The set turned out to be quite good. You're going to enjoy playing Dota 2 with this set. 8/10.
Astral Herald (Dawnbreaker)

Dawnbreaker, like Primal Beast, is a relatively new hero in Dota 2, and he doesn't have many decent sets (they're all wildly similar to one another). But Astral Herald turns Dawnbreaker into a completely different character. First, the hero's colors change. He turns from gold to grayish blue, and that's already pretty eye-catching.
Secondly, Dawnbreaker has new elements like wings, a halo-crown and a peculiar hammer. This Astral Herald looks badass. 9/10.
Bet on Esports with 1xBetSpectral Shadow (Abaddon)

The Spectral Shadow set for Abaddon turned out to be rather bland, but it does have some special features. For example, the hero's helmet disappeared, opening his face. And his horse got wings, horns and devilish sharp fangs. Despite this, Abaddon's appearance in the new set isn’t impressive at all. It looks pretty much the same as any other set for this hero. And you want to see something new and fresh in the Collector's Cache. 6/10.
Taur Rider (Alchemist)

The Taur Rider set looks quite fancy on Alchemist. It is designed after the style of Ancient Rome. The Alchemist himself looks like a small centurion, and the ogre turned into a legendary minotaur with a human body and a bull's head. They both have purple armor. All of this looks very cool together. This is definitely a set you'll want to have in your collection. 9/10.
Crescent Huntress (Spectre)

Spectre looks quite unusual with the Crescent Huntress set from Collector's Cache 2023. The hero gets metal armor with sharp, curved blades. Just like Blade Mail, but it looks much better and has more details. The Spectre's face is hidden under a similarly styled helmet-mask. The new set looks worse than the classic harness of Spectre, but it's still worth checking out as it turned out pretty good. 7/10.
Tyrant of the Veil (Wraith King)

Wraith King has a tremendous number of different sets. So it is hard to come up with a brand new armor or weapon for this hero. The Tyrant of the Veil set turns the Wraith King into a warrior of Ancient Rome (just like the new set of Alchemist). Wraith King wears a suit of heavy armor with massive golden shoulders and a classic Roman helmet with an eagle on top. And the hero's sword turns dark red with a golden hilt. There is nothing unique in the set, but it looks very nice indeed. 8/10.
Tomo'kan Footsoldier (Hoodwink)

Hoodwink hasn't been in Dota 2 that long, but he's already got a lot of cool sets, so it's hard to please the hardcore players. The Collector's Cache 2023 has released a set for Hoodwink called Tomo'kan Footsoldier. It is designed in the style of the Mayan civilization: a helmet shaped like a fox with burning eyes, indigenous clothes and a crossbow that shoots red balls instead of bolts. It looks good, but nothing more. We'd like to see something more impressive next time. 6/10.
Darkwood Eulogy Belt (Death Prophet)

Darkwood Eulogy Belt set for Death Prophet from Collector's Cache 2023 can be called quite a success. The hero turns into a real angel of death. There are black wings behind her back, and huge horns with burning candles on her head. Death Prophet has never had such a look before. Her appearance didn't become drastically different, but still slightly changed, which is good to see. It's a pretty set and you'll have fun playing Dota 2 in it. 7/10.
Sea Spirit (Kunkka)

The Sea Spirit set on Kunkka is one of the main nominees for the best set from Collector's Cache 2023. The hero gets a dramatic makeover. His body is completely made of water, and there are even fish swimming inside. Along with this, the legendary admiral gets golden armor, a monocle and a new saber. It all looks really fun together. It's the kind of set you definitely want to get from the Collector's Cache 2023. 10/10.
Triumph of the Imperatrix (Legion Commander)

Legion Commander with the Triumph of the Imperatrix set gets quite a transformation, although the hero's style doesn't change at all. Legion Commander is in full golden armor with daggers sticking out in all directions, and a red burning cloak behind his back. The Legion Commander's spear is also more massive and imposing. The set looks really good. 8/10.
Beast of Thunder (Storm Spirit)

The Beast of Thunder set on Storm Spirit is our next favorite of the Collector's Cache 2023. The hero turns into a panda, but keeps the same outfit with his favorite hat. It looks amazing.
Basically, Storm Spirit got a new persona. And you can get it from the chest instead of buying 500 levels of the battle pass like before. A great concept and a talented execution. 10/10.
Ancestral Heritage (Jakiro)

Jakiro, on the other hand, looks nowhere near as cool with his new set. With Ancestral Heritage the hero is covered in bone armor: reddish armor for the fire half, and bluish armor for the ice half. One wing of the dragon is frozen, and the other wing burns. Great idea, but it's not properly executed. Jakiro's appearance is pretty much unchanged. 7/10.
Dezun Viper (Dazzle)

Dezun Viper's set for Dazzle isn't particularly unique either. It comes in the classic color for the hero - purple. There is a funeral urn on the end of his staff, and he's wearing a rabbit mask with a crazy-looking face. The new Dazzle looks nice. But he's almost identical to the standard version of the hero or any of his sets. 7/10.
Brightfist (Marci)

Brightfist turns Marci into an anime character. Some may like it, others - not so much, but the heroine looks like any of the "League of Legends" champions - cartoonish, if we can put it that way. Marci's hair turns pink, she wears pink tights, blue shorts and golden glowing gloves. It's refreshing to see Marci as a magical girl. 9/10.
Snailfire (Snapfire)

Snailfire is the third set of our top-3 in the new Collector's Cache. Last year's Cache also featured a set on Snapfire, turning the granny into a hottie and her dragon into a crocodile. This time around, Snapfire is still an old lady, but her dragon has become a snail. The hero and her pet's appearance fit together perfectly, which is what makes the set look great. 10/10.
Bet on Esports with 1xBetTurstarkuri Piligrim (Anti-Mage)

An alternate personality for Anti-Mage has been out for quite some time now, turning him into a woman. Turstarkuri Piligrim is the set for her. The female version of Anti-Mage gets little purple horns, a short top, and giant glowing blades with this set. That said, if you don't have a second personality for your Anti-Mage, you can still get the Turstarkuri Piligrim from the chest and put it on the hero. This set looks really cool, though. 9/10.