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The International 11 Grand Final is in the top 5 most popular matches

Marina Magomedova
05 Nov 2022
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The Grand Final of The International 2022 was ranked fourth in the top five most popular Dota 2 games.

Esports Charts has published the statistics on its social media accounts. First and second place is taken by the grand finals of TI10 and 9. Team Spirit vs PSG.LGD that drew 2.74 million viewers at the peak remains the unchanged leader.

Most watched matches in Dota 2 history

The Grand Final of The International 11 was watched by 1.75 million users at peak. Recall that Tundra Esports defeated Team Secret 3-0 on maps.

Previously, gamers on reddit forum complained about the Battle Pass 2022 quests bug.

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