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Weighing your telecom network optimization options

22 May 2009
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This four-part series looks at the latest techniques in telecom network optimization for IP networks, from caching and compression and optimizing the content itself, and from optimizing physical infrastructure for wireless to network virtualization. With high customer expectations and the need to reduce operations costs, carriers are evaluating the effectiveness of optimization and looking for solutions that best fit their needs.

Telecom network optimization driven by higher user expectations
Part 1 of this series examines how a host of telecom network optimization techniques promise more efficient networks and data transmission even as falling bandwidth prices complicate the calculations. The ever-increasing rate of mobile and fixed-line data usage is forcing telecom service providers to try a wide range of new network optimization methods.

Femtocells, distributed antennas can help fine-tune wireless networks
In Part 2 of this series, find out how femtocells and distributed antenna systems can help telecom service providers cut wireless backhaul costs by a third, while giving them a break from building out more cellular towers or leasing pricey fixed T-1 connections for backhaul.

Network virtualization, led by Juniper, promises efficiency boost
In Part 3 of this series, find out how network virtualization, pioneered by Juniper in the telecom market, promises to help carriers make more efficient use of their disparate networks and improve overall hardware utilization rates. See how this emerging technology could change the cost equation for carriers, just as it has for enterprises.

This article originally appeared on


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