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Webwire: Amazon Android store; Etisalat-Zain deal in doubt

02 Mar 2011
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Amazon to launch Android app store

Amazon plans to launch an Android app store this month, to compete with Google's own Android Market, according to Millennial Media.

Business Insider

Etisalat-Zain deal hits major roadblock

A significant Zain shareholder that had planned to sell its stake to Etisalat - National Investments Co - has withdrawn support for the deal, potentially scuttling it.

Financial Times

Bharti Airtel to bring 3G to Zambia

Bharti Airtel subsidiary Airtel Zambia plans to launch Zambia's first 3G network in Q2, having spent some $54 million to install an initial 151 base stations across the country.

Lusaka Times

Days numbered for unlimited iPhone plans: VZW

Verizon Wireless could cease offering unlimited iPhone data plans as early as Q2 this year, with its CFO admitting that the $30 service aimed to draw users from AT&T is “not a long-term solution”.


Google to debut web-based in-app payment

Google has revealed it will debut web-based in-app payments support for Android apps in May, and still plans to implement in-app payments from the Android Market in Q1.


Motorola claims speed record

Motorola Mobility and US operator Cox Communications say they have achieved a world record return path data transmission rate of 356Mbps during field trials in Las Vegas.


Games grab a third of users

A third of subscribers in the UK and US have played a mobile game in the past month, though the activity is more popular with UK users, research by PopCap shows.


Firefox back in browser game

A forthcoming updated Firefox Web browser presents a credible third choice to consumers, working two to six times faster than the current version and promising a user experience on-par with Google’s Chrome.

Wall Street Journal


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