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Turning CCTVs into cash

21 Jul 2015
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Most Advanced Approach to Analytics

Singtel, video-analytics-as-a-service (VAaaS)

Last year's winner:N/A
Shareholder:Temasek Holdings
Business segments:Fixed-line and mobile telephony, broadband and fixed-line internet services, digital television, IT and network services
Group CEO: Chua Sock Koong
Key stats (FY2015):

Operating revenue: S$17,223 million (US$12,879 million), up 2%

Two of the hottest topics in telecoms right now are video and analytics. Leave it to SingTel to combine both into a service.
Singtel’s video-analytics-as-a-service (VAaaS) leverages the company’s cloud-based platform to analyze surveillance images from IP cameras for customer-analysis. The service won TA’s inaugural Innovative Approach to Analytics prize.

“With this technology, businesses can gain insights into customers’ in-store behavior and configure their operations to better serve customers’ needs,” says Lee Han Kheng, VP of global products for Singtel Group Enterprise.

“It addresses two main concerns - pressures from high upfront costs, and manpower shortage.”

VaaaS’ accessibility on mobile platforms also allows retailers to maintain constant line-of-sight of operations in multiple outlets, he says.

The service leverages cheap store cameras, cloud computing, fast processors and data analytics advances, and is affordable even for SMBs. It was developed by KAI Square, a Singapore-based start-up specializing in next-generation video analytics technology backed by SingTel’s corporate venture arm Innov8.

”Since launching VAaaS in 2014, we’ve witnessed the market evolution from CCTV video surveillance to advanced video analytics,” says Richard Koh, director of emerging business for Singtel Group Enterprise. ‘We’ve helped small and large retailers enjoy the benefits of video analytics by working closely with them to understand their pain-points.”

Judges’ comment

"Repurposing inexpensive IP gear for video analytics - clever.”


Telecom Asia Awards 2015 Winners:


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Rating: 5