Rank | Organization | Country | Q3 Rank | Rank Change | % of leader |
1 | NTT Communications | Tier-1 | 1 | unch | 100 |
2 | Tata Communications | Tier-1 | 4 | 2 | 60 |
3 | KDDI Corp | JP | 2 | -1 | 50 |
4 | PCCW Global | ~Tier-1 | 3 | -1 | 46 |
5 | Pacnet Global | HK/SG | 5 | unch | 40 |
6 | China Telecom | CN | 6 | unch | 38 |
7 | Softbank Telecom | JP | 7 | unch | 25 |
8 | CNCGROUP China169 Backbone | CN | 8 | unch | 20 |
9 | IIJNET | JP | 9 | unch | 19 |
10 | NTT Communications | JP | 10 | unch | 17 |
The Q1 rankings remained almost the same as Q4 except for the No 2 to No 4 players, which ended the year with almost all the same percentage of the leader's score (44-45%). Tata Communications moved from fourth to second while KDDI and PCCW Global each fell one position. As a percentage of the leader, Tata jumped from just 44% last quarter to 60%.
Asian NSPs mostly grew their customer base with the expanding Asian internet, but some NSPs were more successful than others at exploiting the growth. If Tata continues its momentum, it may well be in a position to challenge NTT in a few quarters.
Looking at the major movers we see that Tata is now a provider for Rostelecom (AS12389). That gives it indirect transit contributions for Iran's ITC and Kazakhtelecom, among others. Tata also gained Kazakhtelecom as a direct customer (AS20485), including IP space for their mobile data services.
Tata also gained Viettel Corp in Vietnam (AS7552) as well as Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications (AS45899). Gains included indirect transit of IP space for Viettel's mobile data services in Hanoi.
Bharti Airtel (AS9498) increased its use of Tata transit in India; Tata is still a minority provider to Bharti, but the numbers are growing. Tata also picked up additional transit from existing customers, CAT Thailand (AS4651) and Saudi Telecom (AS39386). Saudi Telecom's mobile data IP space continues to grow.
Tata also had other smaller wins in China, Malaysia and Kuwait. KDDI picked up CAT Thailand (AS4651) as a major customer.
This ranking has been created for Telecom Asia by Renesys Corp and is based on network service providers with both a footprint and a large customer base in Asia. The idea is to target the players serving the needs of Asia-to-Asia business and exclude wholesale providers such as Level 3 which don't have a presence in Asia.
Renesys has been monitoring IP traffic for 10 years and tracks 350,000 routes. The ranking is based on downstream traffic at the edge, middle and core of the network.