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TM Forum, ODCA team up on cloud

19 Jul 2012
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TM Forum said its Enterprise Cloud Leadership Council (ECLC) and the Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) are working together to develop standards for enterprise cloud services.

Together the two organizations will work to reduce the cost of cloud deployment, speed time-to-market and improve service quality with an initial focus on virtual private cloud and private cloud services embedded within the public cloud.

As part of the agreement, the ODCA and the ECLC plan to work on two projects per year with the ODCA leading the definition of enterprise requirements, and the ECLC conducting proof of concept projects to evaluate how new requirements address enterprise needs.

Their initial projects will define specific aspects of virtual private cloud, including the computing aspects of Infrastructure-as-a-Service such as the creation of standards-based service catalogs and standard units of measure—or ways to quantify or describe different cloud services such as speed, storage capacity, security and bandwidth.


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