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Thailand's AIS faces $71k fine per day

09 May 2016
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Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission has written to AIS warning of $71,114 (2.5 million Baht) a day fines unless they complete the handover of 300,000 subscribers to TrueMove under the mobile number portability system by May 10th.

Thai language daily Thairath reportedthat AIS has refused to release the subscribers due to incomplete or erroneous documentation. The story also said that AIS had no problems with Dtac all valid Dtac porting requests had been completed.

Earlier TelecomAsia reportedon how the government was trying to force AIS to sign an MOU with True and allow the NBTC to step in with the final say on MNP with no recourse of appeal.

AIS did not respond to request for comment by the time of going to press.


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