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Telenor Connexion offers customers premium M2M services

29 Apr 2011
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Telenor Connexion has unveiled premium M2M solutions for business and life critical applications.

Through a strategic deal with Ericsson, this new direction allows the company to further focus on value added services, customization and service excellence.

After having pioneered the M2M market in automotive, security and smart metering industries, Telenor Connexion developed an advanced M2M dedicated platform in 2009. This platform and managed M2M solutions were subsequently chosen by quality focused companies such as Omron, Nissan, TomTom, and Qualcomm for their embedded connectivity solutions.

Telenor Connexion has now taken the next step – a strategic deal with Ericsson where Ericsson acquires the advanced M2M platform in order to allow for larger economies of scale.

This aggressive move allows Telenor Connexion to free up resources allowing for focus on fulfilling customers’ needs rather than concentrating on the day to day operations of an M2M platform.


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