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Singapore leads region by online video consumption

02 May 2017
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Singaporeans lead the region in online video consumption, spending two hours every day tuning into video content, according to the results from a new YouTube Consumer Insights study conducted by Google Singapore and Kantar TNS.

The survey of 1,035 Singaporeans aged 16 to 60 found that 78% of Singaporeans are turning to YouTube as their first stop for their daily dose of video. And perhaps not surprisingly, 6 in 10 agree that they visit YouTube for one video and end up looking at others.

The study also found that Singaporeans are watching videos away from a desktop, with more than half of YouTube watch-time originating from mobile devices. Moreover, more than half are finding more content that they want to watch on YouTube than on TV, according to the study.

Google pointed to recent research that it conducted with Ipsos that found attention to paid advertising on YouTube is 84% higher than advertising on TV. In addition, 95% of video ads on YouTube are also played with sound on, ensuring brands’ messages reach their audiences as intended.

There is no question that the popularity of online video is at an all-time high; Google says that the hours of YouTube content uploads from Singapore has doubled compared to the previous year.

“YouTube is popular with Singaporeans of all ages - who come to YouTube for entertainment, education, shopping and much more. With Singaporeans using YouTube to search for products, businesses looking to grow should use YouTube to tell their story and build their brands,” said Joanna Flint, country director of Google Singapore.


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