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PaciCorp taps Brocade for data center network

20 Aug 2014
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PaciCorp has started transitioning its data center operations to a new network foundation based on Ethernet fabric infrastructure from Brocade.

The Sydney-based company, which operates from 21 data centers across nine countries, has embraced the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) capable family of Brocade VDX switches and VCS Fabric technology to meet the high-availability and increasingly high-bandwidth requirements of its global client base.

PaciCorp director and network operations manager, Stephen Dandler said “The primary driver for a new network was the ability to plan for more bandwidth. Whilst the PaciCorp network is not currently experiencing large loads that impact performance, we could see that our previous capacity would be under stress within the next two to three years.”

Dandler said that the Brocade solution was selected because it provides the highest performance in its price range, which allows the company to sell at a better price point resulting in better outcomes on both sides. “It also provides a greater incentive to grow our content delivery network and high-volume network services,” he said.



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