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Nth Americans spend least on mobile apps

23 Mar 2010
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Mobile users in North America and Asia spend the lowest prices on downloading applications, according to analytics company Distimo.

It found users spent an average of $2.43 in North America and $2.69 in Asia on the most popular paid apps from the Apple App Store February.

The App Store is the biggest online applications store by far, with 160,000 titles available, and is the biggest source of paid and unpaid downloads.

The most popular Apple apps are the most expensive in Europe, at $3.86 on average.

“Although this may reflect that less expensive applications are more popular in North America and Asia, this may also be caused by the fixed price tiers that Apple uses for converting application prices to other currencies,” Distimo said.

It found that the average price of the most popular paid Apple apps fell 15% on average for the December-February period.

The largest relative price decrease occurred in Australia where prices dropped 27% from $3.77 to $2.74.

Prices of the most popular applications in Asia meanwhile dropped 10% to $2.78 on average.

Games are the most popular Apple App Store category in Australia and North America, accounting for 51% and 39% of downloads in February.


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