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Nokia launches Fixed Access Health Index

19 Oct 2018
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Nokia has announced it has developed a new metric for measuring the quality and performance of fixed access networks in a standardized way.

The Nokia Fixed Access Health Index for service providers uses Nokia's automation and analytics capabilities to benchmark the performance and health of fixed line networks against those of industry peers.

It is designed to act as the foundation for network optimization programs, and measure their performance and progress over time through regular performance measurements.

The index is already in use by multiple operators, including a major Asian service provider that used the tool to optimize the network health and quality of its recently introduced IPTV service.

“The initial results we saw with our pioneering customers in this domain were so impressive that we decided to go for a 'standardized' approach, which can be replicated with other service providers,” Nokia president of fixed networks Federico Guillén said.

“Based on a series of playbooks, each operator gets a personalized evaluation and improvement plan. To offer this kind of service, we build on our expertise in all 20 of the largest access networks globally, and with more than 300 fixed broadband customers worldwide, which gives us an endless source of knowledge to tap.”


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