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Mobile data issues could lead to 31% churn

15 Feb 2011
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Users’ quality of experience with mobile broadband could lead to a potential churn rate of 31% worldwide, Acision has warned.

The infrastructure company announced at Mobile World Congress the results of a study it had commissioned into mobile broadband use in the UK, the US, Brazil, Singapore and Australia.

Results showed 60% of consumers stated reliability, coverage or speed as the most important aspects of the mobile broadband experience, while 40% of respondents said aspects such as price and usage caps were important.

Nearly 30% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with coverage while 28% were less than content with prices.

A significant 79% of respondents said their mobile broadband experience had been hampered by slow speeds (62%), network coverage (39%), connection stability (36%) and inability to connect (36%).

While 35% expressed willingness to pay for a premium service with improved quality of experience, 63% were prepared to pay for value-added services in the form of notifications, bandwidth management, spend control and roaming.

Mobile video experience

Around 37% of consumers surveyed watched videos on mobile broadband. One in four of these expressed issues with their viewing experience.

Mobile video was especially prevalent in the US and Singapore, with 49% and 45% of respondents in these markets watching videos on their mobile devices. The UK had the greatest percentage (77%) of consumers who used the mobile Internet more than three times a week, with the US and Singapore tied for second at 70%.

But 84% of UK consumers also experienced issues with viewing mobile videos, followed by Singapore (80%) and the US (72%). Australia had the least percentage of consumers experiencing problems with mobile videos, at 60%.

The UK and Singapore led the pack in terms of issues regarding overall mobile broadband experience, at 84% and 83% respectively.


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