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MapR debuts data science-led Quick Start solution

28 Jul 2016
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MapR Technologies has made available the MapR Risk Management Quick Start Solution for financial services, powered by the MapR Converged Data Platform.

With more data available to detect, identify and avoid loss from fraud, cybercrime, or regulatory non-compliance, financial services companies can engage with MapR data scientists and deploy the MapR Converged Data Platform to quantify and manage risk.

“With this new Risk Management Quick Start solution, we have created a proven, repeatable and demonstrable approach to identifying fraud and other illicit activities using the scale and reliability of the MapR Converged Data Platform,” said Dave Jespersen, VP of worldwide services, at MapR Technologies.

Traditional messaging and processing technologies are insufficient to handle the increasing scale and complexity of risk management and its associated data. With the MapR data science-driven approach to risk management combined with the MapR platform, important vulnerabilities can be identified, modeled and analyzed to detect fraud, money laundering, identity theft, rogue trading and terrorist financing.

The MapR Financial Services Risk Management QSS is data science driven and delivers a working data science model and solution and a path forward from a five week consulting engagement.

Two QSS paths are offered including the fraud detection path of the QSS that uses predictive analytics models to tackle vulnerabilities beyond fraud, and the anti-money-laundering path of the QSS that uses advanced anomaly detection to identify hard-to-detect risk management challenges.


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