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Managed transformation: The low-risk, high-reward alternative

15 Apr 2011
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Service providers have for years faced a difficult dilemma. On the one hand, legacy B/OSS systems and jury-rigged processes and operations have made it harder and harder to keep up with the demands of speeding time to market with new offers, improving the customer experience, and controlling escalating costs.

On the other hand, the prospect of transforming those systems, processes, and operations to meet the emerging needs of the connected world has been too challenging for many to confront.

Splitting the difference, a great many service providers have tried to make do with incremental upgrades and improvements.

As the pace of change continues to accelerate, service providers are less and less able to put off transformation. How to organize and manage such a transformation is fast becoming a more important question for executives than whether to attempt one

at all.

In this context, the managed transformation approach provides an attractive alternative to the traditional attempt to manage it in-house. With managed transformation, service providers have greater financial flexibility, lower risk, and stronger accountability for results.

As a growing number of service providers are beginning to realize, managed transformation offers a compelling way forward in the race for competitive advantage.


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