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Legacy tech exposes M2M to security threats

01 Mar 2012
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Machine-to-machine (M2M) technology may be held back by a lack of security, fraud and revenue assurance firm WeDo Technologies believes.

Executives from the firm told M2M may already be compromised by the fact it requires a lot of investment to ensure in-building penetration, specifically to offer coverage on-par with GPRS – a standard that has long-since been compromised from a security perspective.

The firm has adapted its RAID assurance product to cover the gap, enabling the system to work with its recently-awarded patent covering the protection of end-point devices – a first in the fraud and revenue assurance industry. At its simplest level, the technology allows operators to establish levels of trust for devices, and then alerts them if the behavior of that device falls outside the prescribed norms.

WeDo is also demonstrating mobile money fraud during the event, sharing results of tests conducted with operators in Africa and the Caribbean – both markets ripe for mobile money services due to high levels of unbanked consumers.



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