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India's SMS cap takes effect

28 Sep 2011
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Stringent new restrictions on telemarketing have taken effect in India, including a ban on sending out more than 100 SMS per day.

But industry group COAI has expressed concern that the 100 SMS cap could have a wider impact than intended.

After complaints by the group, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has agreed to exempt certain categories of services from the cap, including social networking sites, directory and e-ticketing services, Economic Timesreported.

But COAI had also argued that the regulation could also affect ordinary users, and their rights to send messages as they please.

Trai also revealed plans to introduce a 5 paise ($0.001) termination charge for every commercial text sent, excluding messages involving transactions.

Under the new regime, consumers will be able to sign up to either add their number to a total blacklist, or to only receive commercial SMS as per their preference, the Hindusaid.

Telemarketers will be required to register for a phone number with a new 140 prefix. It will be their responsibility to ensure they are not calling consumers on the blacklist, and will face fines of up to 250,000 rupees per offence for failure to comply.


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