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FASTTAKES: NTT DoCoMo, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei, GfK, Pew

08 Jul 2010
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NTT DoCoMo plans to create its own applications platform to encourage the development of an apps market, reports.

Nokia has asked the Russian police for help in retrieving a smartphone prototype from a Moscow blog site,, Bloomberg reports.

Alcatel-Lucenthas won a contract from Measat, Malaysia’s largest pay TV operator, to deliver an end-to-end mobile TV platform.

The global broadband CPE market shrank 13% on a sequential basis in Q1, says Infonetics. Technicolor (Thomson) is the market leader on sales, just ahead of Huawei and Motorola.

More than one in every ten mobile phones sold in southeast and east Asia in the first quarter of 2010 was a smartphone, according to research firm GfK.

The use of the cellphone for apps beyond voice or text purposes is climbing sharply. 40% of Americans say they have used their phone for email, the web or instant messaging, according to the latest Pew research.

HP has completed its acquisition of Palm.

Applehas banned developer Thuat Nguyen from the App Store after users complained their accounts had been used to buy his applications. The company denied that iTunes servers had been hacked.

Hollywood director Ridley Scott plans to make a feature-length documentary from YouTube clips under the title “Life in a Day.”


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