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Evistel deploys Adax Europe solution

23 Oct 2008
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Evistel has deployed Adax Europe's HDCII-LPe SS7 in the latest version of its ChargingCenter solution.

The HDCII-LPe boards are being used to facilitate value-added services for Evistel customers, specifically real-time charging for prepaid roaming and advanced messaging. The HDCII-LPe is the half-height form factor of the Adax PCI Express board and is compatible with both low profile and full height PCIe slots.

According to Evistel, the HDCII-LPe offers it more SS7 time slots per board, enabling it to help its customers achieve more while requiring fewer servers. Adax believes the high-capacity SS7 boards will help increase the performances and reduce the footprint of its solutions.


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