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BICS offers fraud detection for telcos

05 Sep 2013
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BICS has launched FraudGuard, a fraud detection and prevention solution based on a crowd-sourcing model.

BICS said it will use crowd-sourcing for the service to create a community of telecom companies which can gain insights on suspicious activities reported by BICS or any of its members. The platform is delivered as SaaS to carriers and operators.

FraudGuard is equipped with revenue analytics provided by cVidya to help carriers combat telecom fraud. Dedicated packages within the solution are targeted at the increasingly sophisticated fraud practices aimed at the segment, including PBX hacking, IRSF, Artificial Inflation of Traffic, and Wangiri.

Many types of fraud, including false answering supervision (FAS), international revenue share fraud (IRSF), PBX hacking and bypass fraud, are specific to the wholesale environment.

FraudGuard is now available worldwide, BICS said.


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