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Argyle Data, Gigamon offer real-time fraud analytics

25 Mar 2015
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Gigamon and Argyle Data are teaming up to deliver fraud detection and revenue protection for communications service providers (CSPs).

According to the Communications Fraud Control Association, the high-priority fraud types and methods that cost most to CSPs include roaming fraud, subscription fraud, PBX hacking, VoIP hacking and Wangiri fraud.

To address these issues, Argyle Data and Gigamon are offering a solution that enables CSPs to quickly and effectively respond to fraud while ensuring operational stability and performance of the operational network.

By using the solution, carriers can leverage several services to gain deep insight of subscribers and content, which enables CSPs to optimize, visualize, extract and react to user behavior.

First, user and data plane correlation is achieved by the deployment of Gigamon’s GTP correlation GigaSMART application.

Second, Gigamon’s patented Flow Mapping technology helps reduce traffic and improve analyzer performance.

Next, Gigamon’s FlowVUE application offers a subscriber-based IP sampling solution that helps carriers turn big data into manageable and actionable data.

Lastly, GigaSMART provides Adaptive Packet Filtering, which provides a powerful filtering engine that identifies content across any part of a packet, including packet payloads.

Argyle Data then uses Hadoop to quickly process petabytes of data, including real-time packet based data extracted by Gigamon.


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