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“Lifting The Trophy Above Your Head Is The Best Feeling”. Interview With Zenit Midfielder Artur

08 Jun 2024
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Midfielder Artur is one of the symbols of Zenit in the spring season. Mainly because he scored two crucial winning goals: the first in an away match against Krasnodar, after which the people of St. Petersburg began to crown them as champions. The second was the "golden" one in the game against Rostov, which brought Semak's team victory in the 30th round and the sixth consecutive championship title.

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Artur. Photo: Zenit

After the end of the season, Artur gave an exclusive interview to, where he talked about:

  • whether he imagined such a start in Russia;
  • about the cold and warm clothes;
  • about the crisis period of his career;
  • how Zenit celebrated winning the championship;
  • about the dream of playing with Argentina, which did not come true.

"When I scored or made assists, the Brazilian press or social networks wrote that the King did it"

– Artur, you are the champion of Russia and the cup holder. Could you have imagined such a career scenario five years ago?

– Definitely not. But I can say one thing: everything that happens to me is a dream come true. Winning a title in a strong European championship is what I always wanted. And now I'm incredibly happy to have done it in my very first season. Or should I say, in half a season. And then there was also a victory in the Russian Cup. These feelings are fantastic. I enjoy these moments immensely.

– When you first moved to Russia, what did you know about the country?

– Very little. I knew that Russia is very big and that it is far from Brazil. And I also heard about the cold. Honestly, I was a little afraid that it's always cold in Russia. But the Brazilian players at Zenit convinced me that it's not the case.

– What did you know about Zenit?

– Zenit has a positive image in Brazil. After all, many of my compatriots either played or are still playing for the team. That's why in my country they follow what happens in the RPL with keen interest. Before, when the team played in the Champions League or when Hulk scored many goals, everyone talked about Zenit. I knew very well that it is a dominant club that competes for titles every year. And my expectations mostly matched what I saw.

Photo: Zenit
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– The transfer negotiations took a long time. They said you were afraid to go to Russia. Is that so?

– There were no fears. The pause happened because of a number of questions I wanted to clarify. So I asked my friend Claudinho. I asked him about the club, the climate, and the city. And I heard only positive things from him. He told me not to worry. After all, St. Petersburg is a beautiful place, and Zenit's home stadium has a roof. And in other cities, you can just dress warmly. Of course, I also asked him about the security situation in Russia. He reassured me, saying that there would be no troubles. The negotiation process took place during the holidays in Brazil, maybe that's also why the process took a little longer. But I quickly realized that I wanted to accept this challenge.

– What was the most valuable advice you received when you were thinking about the offer?

– Again, I mainly spoke to Claudinho. He simply said: "Come, you will enjoy yourself here and win trophies." But I myself realized that this was an excellent opportunity to gain experience in a European championship.

Photo: Zenit

– In Brazil, you were called "King Artur." How did that happen?

– When I scored or made assists, the Brazilian press or social networks wrote that the King did it. It's quite nice to read such things. But I think the nickname stuck thanks to the fans - they were the first to shout it to me, then others picked it up.

– Does playing for Red Bull Bragantino somehow obligate you to love energy drinks? What do you eat and drink before a game?

– I can have an energy drink, but rarely. Before matches, I drink a lot of water. Sometimes I add some sweets to it to have more energy. When my family and I are on vacation, I love to drink freshly squeezed orange juice. In terms of food, if we're talking about the time before a match, I need a lot of carbohydrates. I love pasta. And protein. Nothing unusual. Everything is aimed at making food provide energy and strength.

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– Before joining Zenit, you didn't score or assist for four months. Why?

– It was not a very easy period of my career. One of the leaders got injured at Palmeiras, and the head coach changed the formation, moving me to the center of the field. But I haven't played there since childhood, I was already used to playing on the flank, and I didn't show my best game in a couple of matches in the new position. In the end, the formation remained, but I lost my place in the lineup because I wasn't good enough in the center and as a result, the productivity dropped.

– Is it true that your relationship with the Portuguese coach deteriorated?

– No. It's just about the formation, where I couldn't show my best qualities.


“In St. Petersburg I got used to warm clothes, which I had never worn before in my life”

– Tell us, how difficult was it for you to adapt and get used to everything new in St. Petersburg?

– The biggest challenge was the cold. I grew up in a place where the temperature hardly ever drops below 30 degrees Celsius all year round. Yes, now in St. Petersburg it's sunny and warm, but we returned from training camp in February. And, of course, it was an unusual feeling. First, you train in the cold, then you play - I had to get used to that. It was not easy, and I'm sure it will continue to be difficult because in six months there will be a new winter. We'll see how I'll handle it. Everything else was easy - I was warmly welcomed at the club, there were no household problems.

– So you mainly got used to warm clothing?

– Yes, to warm clothing, which I had never worn in my life before. And here I had to learn what it is. I learned about warm jackets, sweaters. And St. Petersburg amazed me with its beauty. Especially now, when it's warm, bright, and there's a lot of water. Russia also surprised me with its size, long flights, and the difference between the people. Of course, we don't see as much as we would like. But I notice some things along the way.

Photo: Zenit
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– It is known that Pedro came here with his mother. Who do you live with here?

– With my wife, daughter, and my assistant, who has been working for me since our time in Brazil.

– Besides football, there is also leisure - what do you prefer to do in your free time?

– I spend almost all my free time with my daughter. Either we play at home or watch something. She also loves walking, and there's a beautiful park near our house. There are many parks in St. Petersburg - they are very green, and have lots of activities to do. Now we spend quite a bit of time outside, we’re always walking. This is one of our favorite family activities.

– So Wendel’s motto "work in the morning, dance in the evening" is not for you?

Wendel is an incredible person, he's a funny man and a great footballer. A great professional who also loves to dance if there's a reason. I admire him. But honestly, if I work well in the morning, then in the evening I won't have any energy left for dancing. This is family time, and I usually spend it with my daughter.

Photo: Zenit

– You went through the training camp and almost immediately ended up in the starting lineup. What surprised you about the Russian Premier League?

– The first thing is how physically fit the players are in almost every club. It surprised me how much power football there is here. I quickly realized that I need to improve in this aspect if I want to compete. There's a lot of battling on the field here. I didn't realize that the level of competition in the Russian Premier League was so high. And only physical strength can help you, even more than technique. I understood this from the first few games, and that's the main difference between Russia and Brazil.

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"The fact that we suddenly stopped scoring points is not a normal situation. It shouldn't happen"

– At first, everything was going well for Zenit. But then came the April-May period. What was going on inside the team during that period?

– Of course, we were disappointed. And we understood perfectly well that these were not the results expected from us. We couldn't let it continue like that. Every team has its ups and downs during the season. All we did was continue working. We understood that only we could fix the situation and overcome the slump. And in the final stretch of the season, God rewarded us for our efforts.

– I know that you even met informally as a team, tried to discuss the situation - how did all this happen?

The fact that we suddenly stopped scoring points is not a normal situation. It shouldn't happen. Zenit couldn't afford to play like that and lose points. The captains gathered the team and said we needed to meet. We needed an informal dinner - to discuss everything, to open up and unite. And indeed, a warm, heartfelt event was organized. We had dinner, discussed everything, and promised each other that we would fight to the end. And we corrected the situation. As you can see, we succeeded.

– How did the head coach react to the crisis situation?

– Obviously, this situation was unpleasant not only for us but also for the head coach and the staff. However, he always encouraged us, always found the right words, and didn't let us give in. He motivated us, energized us, said he believed in us, that we could fix everything. Therefore, the ultimate success is the result of everyone's work: players, coaches, and those who work with us daily. Each of them found the right words at some point. And in the end we managed to overcome the difficulties. like a united Zenit family.

Photo: Zenit
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“When I scored Rostov, I was literally bursting with joy”

– When you scored the winning goal against Rostov, what did you feel? Can you say that this goal is the most important in your career?

– Certainly it was one of the most important. I'll even put it at the top of the list of goals scored. Just six months in a new team, in a new country, and you score a goal that makes you champions - the feeling is incredible, it was fantastic. I'm sure every footballer dreams of this. It was a tremendous joy and pride. I ripped off my shirt, tried to dodge my teammates who rushed towards me, and tried to celebrate with the fans somehow. I was literally bursting with joy.

– How can you compare the emotions from this championship? After all, you had won big trophies in Brazil before.

– Every title has its own story. Behind each one there is immense effort and determination. It's impossible to compare in terms of value. Every title is hard-earned, I’ve fought tooth and nail for each one. But in terms of emotions, this current championship stands apart from everything else. Because of how it ended and the difficulties that preceded it.

Photo: Zenit
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– How did you celebrate?

First, we celebrated in the locker room, had a blast dancing and shouting. Then, we headed to the stadium restaurant where our families and friends were. It was awesome! Later, everyone split into their own groups – some continued celebrating, while others went home. Personally, I chose the latter option – spent some time with my family, and then, to be honest, I played my favorite video games to relax. Played for a bit, then got a good night's sleep. Since we had two days off, I used that time to recharge my energy and emotions.

– Are you satisfied with this part of the season in terms of gameplay?

– I'm satisfied because I knew what I was getting into. I joined the team when most of the season was already behind us, during the most challenging period, when we were actively competing for the title. I understood how important it was to help confirm Zenit's status as the strongest team in Russia. It came with responsibilities, but in the end, we celebrated historic three titles in one season. Yes, it wasn't without difficulties, but that's part of football. Not everything always goes smoothly.

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"I can score headers because I read the game well"

– Which of the Brazilians helped you adapt?

– Actually, I could turn to anyone in the club. Everyone is open and willing to offer advice. Since I was closer to Claudinho, I mainly turned to him at first. But now I can advise others, as I've adapted and gotten used to the country.

Photo: Zenit

– I heard that in Brazil, despite your height, you often scored headers. How is that possible?

– I think it's because I read the game well. And I know how to find the right position in the penalty area. Also, I can time my jump correctly. It's just a sense of the game, and mine is well developed.

– Do you think the next season will be better?

– I really hope so. I want to repeat the success of this season and keep winning. Lifting the trophy above your head is the best feeling. We'll work hard to experience those emotions again. And to bring joy to the fans, especially in the centenary year, it's especially important.

Photo: Zenit
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– Nino reads Dostoevsky. How do you immerse yourself in Russian culture?

– I'm gradually getting acquainted with it. I plan to go to the theater soon. And I've also heard that St. Petersburg has incredibly beautiful ballet. So, that's part of the must-do list. I hope, soon enough, I'll be knowledgeable enough to confidently talk about Russian culture.

– Two and a half years ago, you were called up to the Brazilian national team. Tell us about that.

It was the fulfillment of a childhood dream. However, it was also a memorable and sad moment – the cancellation of the match against Argentina. On one side of the field was Neymar, on the other – Messi. I really wanted to participate in that match, even if just a little. But a few minutes after the start, the government decided to interrupt the meeting due to violations of COVID rules. Of course, at that moment, it was very disappointing. But I'll make every effort to experience that moment again.

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